2025 TriState Meet in Trinidad Colorado
May 30th until June 1st.
Arrive Friday afternoon for event and hotel check-in.
Car Show and Banquet Saturday. Breakfast and check out Sunday Morning.
Scroll down for information about registering to attend The TriState.
Host Hotel: Days Inn & Suites by Wyndham, Trinidad
900 West Adams Street, Trinidad, Colorado 81082
Click <HERE> to see map of hotel location.
Reservations at the Days Inn are now available. Hotel Direct Number is (719) 497-8080.
We have received a special rate of $110 per night for our gathering.
Mention “Corvair Tri-State” to get this special rate.
If you’d like to arrive a day early and/or stay an additional day, the special rate will apply.
The Saturday Car Show will be held on Trinidad’s Main Street.
The city has agreed to close the street so we can proudly display our Corvairs.
Registration for the TriState is now open.
Registering and Reserving Banquet Seats can only be done here on-line.
Click <HERE> to start your registration.
Click <HERE> For A More Detailed Tri-State Events Schedule